Sing a Song

Quietly, in the late of the evening, when a hush falls on the house as the dog (and probably Dad) snore contentedly on the couch- my son asked me how he could get closer to God.  His eyes filled with tears as he told me how much he longed to feel God.  Since then I have taken every opportunity to encourage him in his own journey to pray more and be loved abundantly by a Creator who said unless we are like little children we will not see the Kingdom of Heaven.

A key to praying more and loving abundantly, for me, often includes music.   I once was part of a worship team and had some of my most intimate times with God with a mic in my hand.

I’ve long since hung up my mic.  However, worship and singing are still a major part of my praying more.

This morning, as we sang quietly during prayer time at church, I joined in, eyes closed and heart open.  My heart filled and I looked over to the ginger haired miracle tucked under my wing.

I heard an angel.

My stoic, easily mortified by his mother son was singing.  He was worshiping in his nine-year old voice.  There was never a more beautiful sound in all of creation-not to me.

It was a small, high-pitched and powerful answer to prayer-his and my own.

Tonight I pray you would sing your song and hear His too.

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