Weighing in on Happiness

In “I’m Fat and I’m Happy” Joni Edelman blogs about happiness in terms of the life she lives, not the pounds she shed or the calories she has counted.  She has touched a nerve in all sizes of people.

I am getting ready to be a Maid of Honor/Best Woman in what will be the most beautiful wedding ever.  My brother and his fiancee’ are getting married.  I and her sister are honored to stand at the altar with them, as we have stood with them in life.  They are as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside.  It will be one of the happiest days of their lives.

While I wholeheartedly celebrate their love and life, I am not celebrating the journey I am following as I dress shop.  I’m fat and I’m not happy.

So work out and eat less.  Simple.  There’s even a company named, “Simple to Lose”.  For me, it’s not.

I was on a roll recently, then my husband had a life threatening illness.  My ankle, while out of it’s cast, is still healing and a bit scary.  I just changed jobs and work partially from home and partially 40 minutes away.  We are all in therapy to heal from a long season of hurt and crazy.  Kids play sports.  I play at leadership in graduate school.  Not much time left over for workouts, meal planning and clean eating grocery shopping.

Part of me says, suck it up buttercup and sweat.  Cut up those vegetables and make it work.

The other part is the young woman who was told she wasn’t pretty enough to date by her crush from the youth group in college.

My therapist, a tough, no-nonsense woman, told me it’s a lie that I am not beautiful.  For I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  To say or believe anything less is a lie.

So am I happy believing a lie?  Whoa.

Read Joni’s blog.  Comment.  Let’s start the conversation



  1. Kirstin

    this is unfortunately a lifelong struggle many of us women face. I struggled with this after my second child was born when the baby weight had lingered for two years. There are so many excuses and lies we tell ourselves everyday: we’re not worthy, we’re too busy, we’re not pretty anyway… The biggest struggle is not giving in to them!

    I stopped worrying about the weight and focused more on wanting to be a healthy and strong example for my children…


    • jcsservant

      Kirstin, Not giving in. That’s such a key. Deciding to believe truth and what is important over what’s immediate. Someone told me recently that my son sees and perceives more than I realized. You are so right we are their best teachers, not by what we say, by but how we live. Thanks for commenting.


  2. Katie Cross

    Oh, this hits home EVERYWHERE. Seriously. I need to read and follow that blog!

    For me, size and weight was all about numbers: scale and jeans. But the past few years it’s more about what I can do with my body, and just liking it for what it is. I’ll never be model size, but I don’t actually care about that anymore. I used to, definitely, but have redefined my goals and what my happiness originates from.

    At any rate, I LOVED THIS SO MUCH.

    Have you read my new watt pad story? Cuz this is ALL over that. 🙂


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